When you enter Alsherok, you will come to find that communicating with other players is absolutely essential in the mudding experience. For this purpose, our mud offers various different channels by which you can use to talk and chat while mudding. Some are relatively private while others are public and can be seen by everyone online unless they have turned their channels off. The common player channels include
Group Tell,
Quest, and
Auction. There will also be special channels for Guilds and Clans who are established in Alsherok. To view all the different channels, just type the command '
channels'. This lists out all the channels which you are allowed to access at your current level. They will either be marked as ON or OFF depending on whether you have the channel activated or not. To turn on channels, just type '
listen all' or '
listen channelname' where channelname is the same as shown when you enter the '
channels' command. For more explanation, type '
help channels'. It is advisable at low levels that you turn on all your channels so that it is easy for you to understand what is going on and who is about to help you. To find out which players are playing currently, just type '
who'. This effectively list out all visible players. There are added features to the who command. For a detailed list on these, type '
help who'. To actually use the channels and convey messages to others, you need to type in '
channelname message'. Where message is whatever you wish to say. For example, the command '
chat Hello World!' will sent the words
Hello World! To everyone who has their Chat channel turned on. Only the private Tell channel is different than the rest as you must specify the name of the person you want to send that message to. For example '
tell Rathian Hello there' will effectively send the message
Hello there to the player named Rathian. Only Rathian will see it, provided that he is present in the mud and that his Talk channel is on. Remember, you have to be able to see the player on the '
Who' list to be able to talk to them. If you don't see the one you want to Talk to, it may be likely that he or she is not playing in Alsherok at the moment or they are invisible to your character's eyes. A simple way to find out if the person you want to talk to is around is to use the Chat channel and say something like '
chat Is Rathian around?'. If they are present there then they will almost always reply to you. Also keep in mind that languages you speak affect how well you understand what others say in the channels and vice versa. When communicating in Alsherok, always remember that the players you say things to are people just like you. The have feelings and don't like to be verbally abused even if you mean it in jest as it is sometimes hard to convey emotions and facial expressions in the channels. So don't use profanity and don't harass anyone. If you feel that you are harassed on our mud, don't hesitate to contact one of the immortal players. We view harassment very seriously and will take action to prevent it from happening to anyone. Also, no spamming. Spamming means to endlessly repeat the same message on any channel or to keep using bold caps for all your sentences. It gets on other player's nerves, so don't do it. It will also be interesting to note that sometimes talking to non-player creatures or mobs can help you. For some hint as to which, go explore and pay attention to their descriptions when you '
look' at them. Here is a rough list of all the channels and communication commands available and what they do.
Say |
The Say command simply shows whatever message you have typed in to
everyone who are in the same room as you. This is very common and useful talking command.
However anyone who is deaf or sleeping in the room will not hear what you have said.
Tell |
Tell sends your message privately to the target player you wish to give
your message to. Very widely used to talk to another person one on one. As with Say,
anyone who is sleeping or deaf will not get your message. If you get a Tell message from a
player labeled as 'someone', then it is likely that your character can't see him. To
respond, just type 'reply message' where message is whatever
you wish to say to the unseen person. This command sends a tell to the last person who
sent a tell message to you regardless if they are visible or unseen.
Chat |
This is the third most common channel used. Chat is basically used for
discussing almost any topic that isn't offensive to others. Be it game related, general
chatting or even for telling jokes, this channel does it all. You can be reasonable sure
that everyone who play in Alsherok has their Chat channels on. So you can use this channel if
you need to get the attention of someone or to ask for help in the game. Listen to the
channel often for you can usually get the gist of the conversation and join in.
Group Tell |
Gtell is another useful channel to know when grouped with other
adventurers. To use it, simply type 'gt message' or 'gtell message'.
Whatever is said in this channel can be seen by all who are in the same group as your character. It is helpful when planning attacks on enemy
creatures or discussing spells to use during a fight. This channel helps coordinate your group.
Auction |
Auction is used as the automated item selling and buying system between
players in the Mud. To use Auction for selling things, you must first have the item you
wish to sell in your inventory. Then type 'auction itemname value'
where itemname is the name of your item you wish to sell and value is the starting bid
value you wish to sell it at. To buy the item, you will have to bid for it using 'auction bid amount'
where amount is the amount of gold coins you
are willing to spend on the item. You can bid higher and higher each time to top any
opposing bidder. The highest bidder at the end of the auction gets the item provided he or
she has the money. So keep in mind how much you are willing to spend. To see what item is
currently being auctioned, simply type 'auction'. Since the auctioneer of the item still
gets charged a minor fee determined by the actual value of the item if no one bids for the
item, it is sometimes a good idea to ask on Chat whether anyone is interested in the
particular item you are selling.
Shout |
The Shout command sends a message to all awake players in the Mud. It
is pretty useful for getting attention during emergencies but is not to be misused. There
is a three second delay imposed on the shouter before he or she can use another channel to
curb excessive shouting.
Yell |
The Yell command sends your message to all awake players in your area.
It is also useful especially for getting help from players who are nearby. Unlike Shout,
there is no three second delay but it is also not to be misused.
Quest |
Quest is always used by the immortals of the Mud when they are running
special quest events. Any queries to the current running quest can be addressed to this
Wartalk |
The Wartalk channel is mainly used for discussing and often
role-playing exploits in battle. Most of what is said on this channel is in the spirit of
the game.
Music |
Music is used as the channel by which you can recite your favorite
song lyrics to amuse yourself and others. It is used to bring life to the Mud when it gets
too quiet. Remember that nothing offensive or profane should be said here.
Beep |
Beep is not really a channel but rather it sends a beep sound to the
target player. It is most often used to get the attention of a player who is away from the
window. To use this function, just type 'beep playername'
where playername is the name of the person you wish to beep.
Socials and emotes are also used often when you interact with other players. A social is a special action command that doesn't do much beyond causing your character to act out a certain action. For example if you type the command '
laugh', everyone in the same room as you will see your character laugh. Likewise, these commands also work when you target some person or creature with it. '
laugh creaturename' will cause your character to laugh at the specified creature or player. These socials don't cost anything to perform, meaning that they don't cost mana or mv points or anything. They are just there for fun and some limited role-playing. For a full list of social commands, type the command '
socials'. Emotes work differently in the sense that you get to specify what your character acts out to everyone in the same room as you. To use it, just type '
emote actionmessage'. For example if the character named Rathian enters in '
emote arrives in a flash of lightning', everyone in the same room as Rathian will see this message
"Rathian arrives in a flash of lightning". Emotes are mainly used for role-playing or for acting out something that isn't covered by a social command.